I so relate to this! I don't love that celebrating DTC tends to = more things to buy. I realized when I was freelancing that I naturally gravitated to clients that were more service-based rather than with physical goods - it'd be cool if you could still focus on analyzing cool brands, but maybe ones that aren't goods-based, and maybe ones doing something special with people or community? I think there's a huge gap to fill with this, in between the tech blogs and sites like Thingtesting - I love Thingtesting, but I've gotten really frustrated that they only feature physical products.

I work for Groove now (groove.ooo) and I really admire companies like COA (https://www.joincoa.com/), The Nearness (new - https://www.thenearness.coop/), OURS (https://www.withours.com/). All of which have really cool branding - would love to see you cover something like this!

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Yes! I'm definitely finding myself gravitating toward service-oriented companies, particularly when they're focused on access. I'm also increasingly skeptical of disruption as a talking point — might be worth unpacking in the future!

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I love your honesty, and it resonated deeply to the moment I'm facing at the moment. You wrote like you're under a transformational period where the end journey will be incredible and positive to you and surroundings. I feel inspired by your words. Please keep sharing, if comfortable. I'm with you!

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Oct 8, 2022Liked by Emily Singer

Reacted so strongly to the words you shared!! It’s been on my mind a lot too…

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Extremely here for THIS type of content!

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Oct 3, 2022Liked by Emily Singer

Glad to see you in my inbox again....

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I love your newsletter and have been reading it for years! This was so so great, my favourite newsletter you've written. The marketing piece resonated *hard*. Thanks for your honesty and sharing the great resources...I've been thinking and speaking about non-coercive marketing for some time but hadn't defined these thoughts or put a name to it so reading this has been so epic! Amazing to hear you're on your journey of deeper discovery and grateful to have you back in my inbox :D xoxoxo

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Oct 3, 2022Liked by Emily Singer

Love the recipe, and your honesty!

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nice to see you in my inbox again <3

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